NEWS A video circulates on the internet we definitely see as proof: Russia fuels Assad in his murder of children, women and elderly: two used missiles with Russian marks found in Andan, Aleppo today. Found remains are from missiles which can only be fired from launchers mounted on racks asides of a helicopter or underneath a fighter jet. The missiles are normally used for anti-tank operations. NOTE: We end to add every uploaded video to play lists on our You Tube channel because has its own pages functioning like play lists. The difference? Each page on our website represents a governorate. So, no wasting time to find all videos about Homs for example. --------- Visit Syria Monitoring at Now also online at were you can read full articles illustrated with videos. For other news coverage about any country in the Middle-East and Northern Africa by the news agency of your choice visit our web! site at IMPORTANT: GHSR.ORG and its subsidiaries are not affiliated to any political movement, body and/or institution. They all are only affiliated to the right of humane and free way of life, dignity and respect.