The second in a series of films produced by Jack Goldberg and Arthur Leonard, made primarily for the 684 theatres (in 1947) that catered exclusively to Black audiences that were kept out, or placed in a special balcony section, in most of the theatres in segregated America. Plot concerns a struggling band leader's rise to fame after overcoming many obstacles, including a bad-girl vs. good-girl situation. ... Freddie Bartholomew makes a guest-cameo appearnce at the night club, and was featured in the ads and posters for the film.... Tondaleyo (the "bad girl") dances, and musical numbers feature Deek Watson and his Brown Dots, Walter Fuller's orchestra, John Kirby's band and Ruble Blakey, former soloist with Lionel Hampton. - Summary by Les Adams ( Cast (IMDB): Billy Daniels as Bob (as Billy Daniel); Sheila Guyse as Barbara; Tondaleyo as Vivian; Ruble Blakey as Barney; Jack Carter as Ralph; Dusty Freeman as Mooney; George Williams as Sonny; Fred Go! rdon as Press Agent; Harold Norton as Night Club Master of Ceremonies; Hilda Offley as Mama Keyes (as Hilda Offley Thompson); Emory Richardson as Great Joseph; Percy Verwayen as MacMillan; Al Young as Chinaman; Deek Watson as Himself (as Deek Watson and the Brown Dots); Gertrude Saunders as Mrs. Dryden; William Greaves as ; Freddie Bartholomew as Himself; Apus as Specialty Act; Estellita as Specialty Act; Walter Fuller as Himself (And His Orchestra); John Kirby as Himself; Leonard and Zolo as Specialty ...